4 Things Jesus Did to Change the World – Week 4

My story:


  • Growing up, when did your family put up the Christmas tree? Who decorated it?
  • What do you remember about the manger scene and shepherds?


Going Deeper: 

Read aloud Luke 2: 8-14

  • Who is visited by an angel?
    • Under what circumstances?
    • How specific is the message?
  • How does the shepherds’ experience compare to that of Zechariah (1:8) and Mary (1:26)?
  • What does all this angelic fanfare say about the importance of Jesus’ birth?
  • Consequently, what do the shepherds do?
    • What about after the discovery?
    • What about after they return?
  • How does Mary respond to all of this (v.19)?
  • Of all the people the angels could have visited, why do you think God sent them to the shepherds?


God appeared to Zechariah, to Mary and now to the shepherds when they were just doing their jobs, being themselves. 

  • How has God spoken to you recently in the ordinary flow of life?
  • Other people apparently didn’t see the star or hear the angels. Why?
  • Are you open to God’s serendipity in your life? 
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