#blessed – Week 4
- If you had to brag about one thing that you can do better than anyone else, what would it be?
Main idea:
How to be #blessed even when you are stressed
Going deeper:
- In light of this week’s sermon, what is new information, challenged, or stood out to you?
Read aloud Philippians 3:1-14
- How could Paul “rejoice” in the Lord (v.1) and not complain (2:14) amidst so many problems?
- Is joy a choice or an emotion?
- Why?
- What does “confidence in the flesh” mean?
- How does Paul regard his own rank, accomplishments and heritage?
- Why?
- How does this compare with the example of the Lord (v.10, also 2:6-11)?
- In shifting the basis for his confidence from personal striving and privilege to Christ’s work and grace, what did it cost Paul?
- What did he gain?
- What value do you place on your own religious upbringing, your schooling, job, seniority, trophies, accomplishments, etc?
- If all this was taken away from you, would you be less valuable as a person?