Jesus is King – Week 1
- What do you think is the best way to let someone get to know what you are like?
Main idea:
This series is going to focus on Jesus, not just His birth, but the fact that He was a King. This is why His birth is celebrated – because Jesus is King.
- The real question is, He your King?
Going deeper:
- In light of this week’s sermon, what is new information, challenged, or stood out to you?
Read aloud John 1:1-5 and 14
- What point in time begins the gospel story?
- Why then and there?
- What identifies the “the Word”?
- How is Jesus God’s final word?
- What does it mean for the word to become flesh … full of grace and truth?
- In your own life, where have you allowed Jesus to make his “dwelling place” with you?
- Would you say you have kept Him at the door?
- Let Him into the living room?
- Or given Him the keys to the whole house?
- If this passage were the director’s script for a movie, what music and stage setting would help you narrate this text?
- How could this movie symbolize your own spiritual roots?