Jesus is King – week 2

Jesus is King – Week 2 Icebreaker:  As a kid, what “superhuman” character, on TV or in real life, did you look up to? Why? Main idea:  This series is going to focus on Jesus, not just His birth, but the fact that He was a King. This is why His birth is...

Jesus is King – Week 1

Jesus is King – Week 1 Icebreaker:  What do you think is the best way to let someone get to know what you are like? Main idea:  This series is going to focus on Jesus, not just His birth, but the fact that He was a King. This is why His birth is celebrated...

#blessed – week 6

#blessed – Week 6   Icebreaker:  Where do you go, or what do you do, to get one hour’s reprieve from the day’s problems? What do you look back on as the happiest days of your life? Where these days free of hardship?   Main idea:  How to be...

Blessed – Week 4

#blessed – Week 4 Icebreaker:  If you had to brag about one thing that you can do better than anyone else, what would it be? Main idea:  How to be #blessed even when you are stressed Going deeper: In light of this week’s sermon, what is new information,...

#Blessed – Week 3

#blessed – Week 3 Icebreaker:  On a scale of 1 to 10 rate your baseline attitude of joy. What time of day are you most alive? Most grumpy? What gets you going when you are stalled? Main idea:  How to be #blessed even when you are stressed Going deeper: In light...