A study of the book of James


  • What role has community played in the growth of your faith?
  • What personal discipline do you deploy when you need a reset?

Going deeper

  • In light of this week’s sermon, what was new information, challenged, or stood out to you?

Throughout the sermon series, we encourage you to read through the book of James a few times.

The book of James addresses many life applications for the Christian believer. James is a book about Christian ethics. It is a manual for how the Christian faith is to be lived on a day-by-day basis.

  • In your own words, describe the relationship between faith and works.
    • If works are the outward expression of your faith, what actions do you show that express your inward faith?

Read the following passages:

  • James 1:27
  • James 2:15-16
  • James 3:18
  • James 5: 14
  • James 5:19-20
  • Taking into account these verses, what role would you say community plays in the growth of your faith?


  • How has the pandemic affected you and your family?
  • What do you hope to get from this study that will help you get back on track?



  • Download and complete the Spiritual Growth Assessment. 
  • In order to develop a spiritual growth plan, you must first discover where you are.
  • Bring to your next group and discuss.
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