#Blessed – Week 1

by Jake the Intern | Oct 26, 2020 |

Blessed – Week 1


  • Share a blessing from the past 8 months


Main idea: Jesus offers us a blessed life in the midst of stress and uncertainty.


Going deeper:

  • Paul begins Philippians by proclaiming his love for the church and by expressing his joy in being able to share in the ministry of Jesus Christ with them (verses 3-11). “Start with love,” as Pastor Doug said. Paul’s prayer for the believers in verse 10 is that they understand what truly matters (loving God and loving people) because it will change the way they see and live their lives. If we understand what truly matters, there is so much to be grateful for, and our life can become an outpouring of love and joy (“filled with the fruit of salvation” verse 11).
    • How does focusing on things that don’t matter make you unhappy?
    • How has the fruit of salvation been poured out in your life?
  • Verses 12-19 demonstrate Paul’s “real life” understanding of what matters. Paul is in prison for preaching the gospel, but he knows that sharing the good news is what matters, not his comfort or even his own life/goals.  We have a similar choice in our lives: to stay imprisoned in stress and uncertainty or to embrace the transformational love and joy that Jesus offers. 
    • How can you remind yourself to see life with an eternal perspective?
  • Philippians 1:20-26 is an extraordinary passage. Paul is stuck in a life-death conundrum that is only resolved through a submission to the will of God. “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” If I’m going to remain alive, I want my life to be lived for Jesus. If I die, I get to go be with him. It’s up to Jesus; either way it’s all about Jesus.
    • Do you have that level of adoration for Jesus?
    • What are you living for?
  • The first chapter finishes with a call to arms. Paul encourages people to live as “citizens of heaven” who aren’t intimidated by this world but fight for the Kingdom of God: a life worthy of the good news about Jesus.
    • Are you intimidated by this world?
    • Will you fight for Jesus because it’s what really matters?



  • Is your life blessed with the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ?
    • Will you let that affect the way you see people and circumstances?
    • How can you encourage people with the love of Jesus this week?
  • Pray for a boldness to proclaim the love of God and for a submission to his will over your own. 
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