Circles of Life – Week 2



  • How well do you know your neighbors?


Going deeper:

  • Inlight of this week’s sermon, what is new information, challenged, or stood out to you?


Read aloud Mark 2: 1-6

  • What is compelling about the paralytics friends?
  • How do you build bridges between your lost friends and Jesus?
  • Who in this story do you relate to most, the friends, the paralytic, the crowd, the teachers of the law or the homeowner?
  • Why and in what ways do pain and suffering isolate us from community?
  • What happens when pain, brokenness and suffering become our identity?
  • How did the power of community change the circumstances for the paralyzed man?

Read aloud 1 John 4: 7-8

  • Is love a feeling or an action? Why?
  • How well do you display (in action) love for God’s people?

Read aloud Proverbs 27:17

  • Why is it important to see friendships where Christ is the cornerstone?



Do you want to grow in your personal faith? See your relationship go to new heights? Have a stronger identity in Him? Clear focus? Clear purpose? Greater courage and confidence? Ringing every drop of meaning from every moment? Would you like to be a better friend? a better person? 

Then care enough about other people to bring them to Jesus thru your Biblical community. 

If you aren’t yet part of a Biblical community, join us at Grouplink February 9, from 7-9 pm. RSVP:

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