Faith and Science – Week 1
- What do you believe about the coexistence of faith and science?
- What have you been told about faith and science?
- Is there a conflict between believing in faith and believing in science?
- Are they irreconcilable?
- Mutually exclusive?
Going deeper:
- In light of this week’s sermon, what is new information, challenged, or stood out to you?
- Where did the idea come from that faith and science contradict?
- Define conflict theory
Definition of Science: “The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.” – Oxford Language Dictionary
- According to the sermon, what is currently happening in the field of science?
- How have you seen science being manipulated for political gain?
- Do you believe Science has lost some of its credibility?
- Why or why not?
- What are some of the claims of naturalism/atheism?
- “All morality is subjective” true or false?
- Why or whynot?
Read Luke 11:52 and 1 Corinthians 1:5
- What does faith in Jesus actually teach about knowledge?
Read Romans 1:20
- What does faith in Jesus teach us about proof that there is a God?
What did the early church followers of Jesus think about reason?
- What will you do this week in response to this sermon?