Bootcamp Family Challenge – Week 5

To be a Family is to be a Team




  • What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?



Going deeper:

  • In light of this week’s sermon, what is new information, challenged, or stood out to you?


Read aloud Acts 2:42-47


  • When the list of things we cannot do grows by the day, what can YOU do? 
  • What does it mean to devote yourself to the Apostles teaching?
  • What was the Apostles teaching based on?
  • Why is the testimony of Jesus our best weapon against fear?
  • What is fellowship?
    • What does it mean in the context of these scriptures?
    • Why is it important now?

Read aloud 1 John 1:3

  • Is this fellowship the same or different?
    • If so, how?
    • If not, why?


Fellowship with Jesus, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, fellowship with one another is the backbone of how God moves, guides, directs, leads, and empowers His people.

  • In the coming weeks, isolation will be the norm. How will you make fellowship a priority?

Re-read Acts 2:42

  • What is different about breaking bread and fellowship?
  • Why do we need a daily reminder that Jesus is Lord?
  • What will be your daily reminder?
  • What new prayer routine will you commit to this week?



The verb for devotion means: single minded purpose. If you approach these 4 things with a lackadaisical, wishy washy commitment, then you are not preparing yourself spiritually for what is to come. You must employ a single minded focus on these four things. 


As a church family, here is what we are going to do:

  1. Each and everyone of who can self quarantine should. If you are in a vulnerable population, please stay home. Download the app, subscribe to our Youtube channel for daily connecting with us.
  2. If you are in a small group, the operable word is small, then keep meeting. If you ever get sick then self quarantine and drive to St. Luke’s, St. Als, or Seltzer for a drive thru test.
  3. Our food pantry, clothing pantry, pastoral care, shepherding will continue. Elders and staff are calling people, media and production is working overtime to keep you connected.
  4. 21 day prayer challenge. Find out more Monday, March 23 on Foothills Boise App
  5. Reach out to your friends and family and invite them to become a part of our family. Don’t let them be alone, invite them to watch online, invite them to subscribe to our channel on youtube, even get the app. We don’t want anyone who has to self quarantine to succumb to the devastating experience of isolation.


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