FH Strong – Week 9
- What characteristics or strengths did you get from your father? Your mother?
- What family event or experience stands out as an example of your family at their closest?
- Read aloud John 16:33
- Steps to becoming FH Strong
- Step 1: Choose Courage
- Step 2: Sharpen your Character
- Step 3: Rely on God’s Power
- Step 4: Focus your life on what really matters
- Step 5: Choose to live a life of Biblically-based freedom
- Step 6: Endure through hardships and adversity
- Step 7: Don’t abandon your faith when adversity strikes.
Main Point:
- Step 8: Take heart!
Going deeper:
- In light of this week’s sermon, what is new information, challenged, or stood out to you?
Read aloud 1 John 4: 1-21 (it’s a long one, break it into sections and take turns)
- What is a false prophet?
- How does one resist a false prophet?
- How equipped are you to deal with false prophets?
- What is this love that John mentions 32 times in this section of scripture?
- A warm feeling?
- Brotherly obligation?
- Sacrificial action?
- Material giving?
- Absence of malice?
- Forgiveness of sins?
- All of these things?
- How is God’s love expressed through Jesus?
- Through humans?
- How is such love suppressed through fear?
- Through hatred?
- How is such love made complete or perfect?
- How is Jesus currently loving you through adversity?
- What experience have you had where love cast out fear?
- Where fear cast out love?
- Where are you seeing this in our culture now?
- Where do you have the greatest trouble loving people:
- At church?
- At the office?
- At home?
- Why?