FH Ministries

You were created for a purpose. We want to help you discover yours.


FH Kids

Nursery to 5th Grade

At FH Kids we coach and support parents to raise fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. We teach children Bible lessons that are engaging and fun. Lessons are reinforced through worship, crafts, and activities that show kids how to pursue Jesus and that the Bible is Truth. We want every child to know that God made them, Jesus loves them, and the Bible is Truth. The best gift we can give to children is a deep sense of who they are in Christ and how great our God is.

FH Students

Middle School – High School

Our passion is to lead students know and follow Jesus in a fun and authentic environment where they are known and loved. We wish to foster a Christ-centered faith that will last and to disciple them to be fully devoted followers of Jesus.
We disciple students through both relationships and experiences. 
Join us for any of our gatherings:
  • Sunday morning youth at 11:00am
  • High School Discipleship Groups is every Monday night from 6:00-8:00pm
  • Middle School Youth Group is every Tuesday night from 6:00-8:00pm
Be sure to follow us on Instagram for up to date info on events and lesson series! @foothills.students 

FH Adults

Life is better when you are connected to a small community of people growing in the same direction. Find a group that points you to Jesus. If you don’t see what you are looking for, Click Here to start a group of your own.

Adult Groups

We are passionate about your spiritual journey and our mission is to connect people to Jesus, connect people to community, and connect people to their mission in life. We invite you to find a small group to connect with, and if you do not see what you are looking for CLICK HERE to Start a Group!

FH Women

The mission of Foothills is to connect people to Jesus, to community, and to their mission in life.

FH Women focuses our vision and mission on women. We would love for you to build relationship and community right here at Foothills. 

FH Men

The mission of Foothills is to connect people to Jesus, to community, and to their mission in life.

FH Men is all about taking this mission and focusing it directly to men.

FH Outreach

Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25: 37-40

The mission and vision of FH Outreach is to love our neighbor.

FH Missions

The Foothills Missions Team is devoted to connecting people to Jesus both globally and locally.

Opportunities to serve on the mission team are abundant. You can go out into the mission field or you can help send others. The missions team meets regularly to plan for, pray for, and send out missionaries through our communities near and far.

FH Worship

When you come to church on Sunday, you can expect two identical services, one at 9:30 and one at 11:00am. Our worship experience lasts about an hour and features music, communion, pastoral message and prayer all designed to foster an experience with Jesus and authentic community.

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