We're Glad You're Here!

 A place to find your faith and purpose.


Times & Locations

We offer two identical worship experiences at 9:30am and 11:00am as well as watch parties in Central and Southern Idaho.

Each worship experience lasts about 55 minutes featuring music, communion, speaking, prayer and and video content designed to connect you to Jesus and community.

Boise Campus

Foothills Christian Church
9655 W State St
Garden City, ID 83714

What To Expect

Foothills is a fun, vibrant, and casual faith community. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we take Jesus very seriously. Come prepared to worship, hear a dynamic message, meet a new friend and have a good cup of coffee (or tea). 


During both services, our Children’s Ministry offers a safe, fun and age-specific classes for all ages nursery to 5th grade.  Kids will engage in a Bible Lesson, Worship, and crafts and activities to reinforce their lesson. Let us know you’re coming and register kids in advance by planning your visit. Our Students ministry offers service for middle and high school students during the 11:00 service only. 

What To Wear

Foothills is a multi-generational church, so you’ll see shorts and flip-flops as well as collared shirts and ties. We encourage you to wear whatever you feel appropriate.


We have plenty of parking next to our building. In fact, we have several spots reserved right up front for you!

You’re Our Guest

We will greet you with a smile and welcome, and we invite you to enjoy a coffee or espresso drink. Visit the connection point or any of our Guest Experience team to find your way around. We are looking forward to meeting you.

The Service

Our worship experience includes a mix of traditional and contemporary songs. We offer communion in your seat each Sunday with no pressure to join. Staff and Elders are available after every service to pray with you or answer any questions you may have.

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