Foothills Strong YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdGNpdGp3V29QRW9FT0RBWTljand5TS41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 FH Strong: Finding Love (Week 9) 4 hours ago Pastor Doug closes out our FH Strong series with a message about how we find true authentic love and how that love is the...
The Best Way to Live YouTube Video 16yMf2JHvjM Best Way to Live: Week 6 Sun May 24th This is our final week of this series. Find your freedom through the best way to live. Join Pastor Doug Peake as he discusses with evidential backing about the best way to live. ......
Easter 2020 YouTube Video MFWyjXA1Nk0 Easter 2020, 7pm Mon April 13th The most significant event in the life of every Christian is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. What we celebrate is what we honor! So let us celebrate the Risen King! We are going to celebrate in a...
Rescued YouTube Video dsQctF3yuxs Rescued - Week 1 Sun April 5th This week as we continue our Church at Home, Pastor Douglas Peake talks about the significance of Palm Sunday and how Jesus came as a King to save us. But how most of the people then and now didn't...