Come Home for Christmas YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdkc1THJLOVUtZjJEdk1ZQ0lOaEVMTy41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 Coming Home for Christmas (Week 1): Time to Come Home Mon December 5th Pastor Doug kicks off the Christmas season with our new series, Coming Home for Christmas....
The Bible YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdkFGUDF1M0pRbnM2UUZfT01TaWFpQy41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 The Bible (Week 1): Why does the Bible matter? Mon November 7th Pastor Doug introduces our new series entitled The Bible. — With Foothills Online you can join us every Sunday...
Higher Value YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdlpXMG9nR292TzhQRzVZY05UMGNrMC4wMTcyMDhGQUE4NTIzM0Y5 Higher Value (Week 1): Where is Your Value? Mon October 10th Pastor Doug kicks off our brand new series, Higher Value, with a bang! — With Foothills Online you can join us...
My Political Jesus YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDczd2WjlRYUQ5YnZIYnhvTExDcS1SOS41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 My Political Jesus (Week 1): What's Our Options? Mon September 12th We are kicking off our brand new series this week with Round Up Sunday! It focuses on what...
Don't Freak Out YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdlp4Z3BPcU5zRzh3a0QwRllPNmVVRy41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 Don't Freak Out (Week 1)- Chapter 1 Mon August 8th Join us in welcoming Pastor Doug back from his study break as we dive into a new series, Don't Freak Out, a...