by Jesse Maher | Dec 8, 2023
The UnModern Family The UnModern Family This week, Pastor Doug starts our new series, Unmodern family, where he will share wisdom about the biblical family, and how God can heal your family's scars. — With Foothills Online you can join us every Sunday for...
by Jesse Maher | Apr 20, 2023
The Power & The Glory YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDczZ4Z040a3dfZjFrWXRnRGcxMWhGSS41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 The Power & The Glory (Week 1): His Kingdom Come Mon April 3rd Pastor Doug kicks off our brand new series "The Power & The Glory" celebrating...
by Jesse Maher | Apr 20, 2023
Desperado YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdmZzRlBIRjIxNXFuRHZzQ3RwMDg3di41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 Desperado (Week 1): What's Up With Men? Mon February 27th We are kicking off our brand new series all about men and who they are actually called to be, not what the world...
by Jesse Maher | Apr 20, 2023
The New Year 2023 YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDc3dKU2F2b3pDakQ5YlpkQWVGeEFQNC4wMTcyMDhGQUE4NTIzM0Y5 Why is your life not getting better? Tue January 3rd We kick off new year with a sermon all about how to make your life better through more than just resolution. —...
by Jesse Maher | Apr 20, 2023
Lemons or Lemonade YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdUFhT25fSmE2VFNQUzhxNFNGenVHOS4yODlGNEE0NkRGMEEzMEQy Lemons or Lemonade: A Study in Philippians (Week 1) Mon January 23rd Pastor Doug kicks off our brand new series about how to find joy in trying times like Paul...