RelationTips – Week 5

My story:


  • Who was your childhood hero and why?


Going Deeper: 

This week is about family:

  • What was new, surprising, or challenging information from this week’s sermon?

Read aloud Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19: 4 – 5

  • What does it mean to leave and cleave?
  • How do you see leaving and cleaving distorted in our culture?

Read aloud 1 John 4. 

  • How does this passage of scripture encourage us to build a loving, healthy family?
  • What practical steps can we take to build a loving, healthy family? (Examples from the sermon include, finances, time, your children’s relationships, and troubles.)
    • Give examples of things you have done in your family, or learned from your family of origin that have strengthened your family.



This concludes our series on relationtips.


  1. Every family needs guidance.
  2. Every family needs support.
  3. Every family needs perseverance.

Every family needs Jesus.


Everything you need to build relationships, heal relationships, find relationships, experience relationships is found in 1 John 4.


  • What will you do differently as a result of this series?



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