Train to Go Train to Go Our new series kicks off a theme for the whole year of Expanding the Kingdom of God. Last year, we studied all about the God's Kingdom, now it's time to learn about where we are going. Join us for contemporary worship, biblical truth and fellowship all in beautiful Boise, ID. YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdm1hM1gwMHNka1dHZ3NMOTlTcW9hQi41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 Subscribe Train to Go: Where are we going? [WEEK 1] Mon January 8th It's time to talk about the people in your life and how you impact their lives and they impact yours. We are called to transform those around us. Join us for contemporary worship, biblical truth and fellowship all in beautiful Boise, ID. YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdm1hM1gwMHNka1dHZ3NMOTlTcW9hQi4yODlGNEE0NkRGMEEzMEQy Train to Go: Transformational Relationships [WEEK 2] Tue January 16th