We're Glad You're Here!
A place to find your faith and purpose.
Our team is trained to lead the day to day operations of the church. We are united in our efforts to reach the unchurched, connect the unconnected, and minister to the people in front of us.
Meet Our Staff:

Trent Renner
Interim Lead Pastor
Trent and his wife, Kelli, have been married since 1991 and are blessed with four grown children: Madison, Riley, Garrett, and Mia. Trent brings a wealth of experience, a heart for guiding churches through times of transition, and a deep commitment to ministry.
Trent graduated from Manhattan Christian College and earned his master’s at Hope International University. Together, he and Kelli planted Parkway Christian Church in Surprise, AZ, where they saw God grow the church to 3,000 regular attendees. Trent then helped initiate the multi-campus strategy in Phoenix through a merge with Christ’s Church of the Valley (CCV).
Currently, Trent serves as a Church consultant and Interim Pastor with Interim Pastor Ministries. In addition, he is preparing to release his book, The Heaven Project, and actively works with Return Hope International, an organization dedicated to impactful global ministry.

Jesse Maher
Executive Director
Jesse and his wife, Andrea, were married in 2023 and are the proud parents of two dogs.
Jesse is originally from Twin Falls and joined Foothills in September of 2019 as the Director of Creative Arts. He has been managing and directing events and dance teams across the United States for over 15 years.
Jesse is a two time national ballroom dance champion, a passionate performing arts advocate. He received his Bachelor of Science in Communications and Event Management from Southern Utah University in 2010.

Steve Botsford
Family Pastor
Steve joined the staff as a Pastor at Foothills in September of 2019. He graduated from Boise Bible College in 2009 with a Bachelors and has over a decade in leading youth ministry. He has a heart for building one’s faith through small groups and showing students the true love of Jesus Christ. Steve has been married to Monique since 2007. They have 6 wonderful children. They love the outdoors, sharing a meal with friends, playing pretty much all games, and hitting the park!

Ashlee Flynt
Worship Director
Ashlee Flynt is a full time wife and mama, and a part time worship leader, music teacher, baker and realtor. Her passions for music and worship have taken her all over the world!
Ashlee has a heart for the underdog, and a love for all of God’s people. She has experienced His unexpected provision time and time again, and can’t help but tell people about His goodness! The Flynts have experienced church family like never before since joining Foothills in 2020, and look forward to continuing to raise (and hopefully grow) their family as a part of this awesome community.

Mason Worstell
High-school Ministry Director
Mason and his family started going to Foothills Christian Church during COVID and were surprised at the direct methods that the pastors on staff had in their teaching. His children came home from the youth group more interested in the Bible and studied it regularly. After attending for some time, Mason and his family made the move and went from consumers of church to participants.
Since then, Brittany Worstell (Mason’s wife) has served Foothills staff as the Assistant Creative Arts Director and their four children have been volunteering regularly across the church. The Worstell family continues to actively seek God’s plan for them and grow closer to the church community.

Kim Cross
Children's Ministry Director/Family Coach
Kim moved to Idaho in 1996. After 20 years of teaching and a Master’s Degree in School Counseling, she was called to be the Director of Family Coaching at Foothills Church.
Kim uses Biblical principles to help parents improve their parenting skills and couples to strengthen their marriages.
Kim also works as an ambassador for the Amen Clinic to provide resources and behavioral guidance for managing the challenges of ADD within the family.
As a mom of two adult children, a published author and the co-host of The Lost Art of Parenting podcast, Kim continues to share her expertise through trainings and private coaching throughout the Treasure Valley and across the country.

Lisa Rodriguez
Financial Secretary
Lisa has been a dedicated member of FH for over 20 years, and holds a deep love and commitment to our church family. Her journey with the church started 21 years when she was thrilled to be asked to lead what was FH children’s church ministry at the time, but even more thrilling was the pleasure of meeting her soon-to-be husband, Vinnie, who was right there serving by her side. Since then, she has enjoyed opportunities to volunteer and build relationships in many other ministries of the church.
A true Idaho girl (president of the Notus High Gun Club), Lisa holds a degree in Counseling from Bob Jones University. Her passion for the ministry and her desire to help people who are hurting was shaped by her dad, now a retired pastor, and mom. For the past 13 years, Lisa has loved the opporunity her role as Director of Communications and Marketing at Boise Rescue Mission Ministries has given her to offer hope and share God’s heart of love and compassion with people in need.

Miseda Lilly
Office Manager
Miseda was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and was raised in Boise for most of her life, until adulthood when she relocated to the Seattle area and Germany before returning back to her Idaho roots. She has been attending Foothills for 11 years and has been on staff for almost 3 years.

Curt Engelmann
Food Pantry Ministry Coordinator
Curt and his family originally moved from California to Boise in 2006. After a decade long detour living in both Colorado and Texas they returned in 2021.
He and his wife, Amy, have two
daughters, Alex and Abby. Their younger daughter, Abby, has a passion for Youth Group here at Foothills and his wife can occasionally be seen singing as part of the Worship Team.
Curt’s career spans years as a talented fabricator/model maker/carpenter in film, automotive design and aviation in California before moving to Boise. Curt has a unique gift of utilizing his sense of humor combined with his passion to help others through the outreach of the Food Bank here at Foothills. The family enjoys campfires, ghost
towns, skiing and hanging out at the motocross track.

Vinnie Rodriguez
Building Host
Vinnie has been a member of FH since 1999 when he drove by the half-finished church and thought they were building Batting Cages!!! A sports enthusiast! Vinnie leads our church’s longest-running small group, Sunday afternoon basketball.
FH will always hold a special place in Vinnie’s heart as in 2003, he met his wife, Lisa, here while they were both working in Children’s Church!
Vinnie is recently retired from a 36.5-year career in Law Enforcement and is especially enjoying the extra time serving at FH!

Jeff Nunes
Facilities Director & Security Team Lead
Jeff and His wife Jennie moved to Idaho in November of 2012. He has been married for over 20 years. He and his wife enjoy raising their dog and two cats. Living in Idaho offers many outdoor activities for Jeff. He enjoys a variety of sports and outdoor activities- especially fishing.
Since 2013, when Jeff and his wife first attended Foothills, he has continued his steady walk of faith and enjoys meeting new people. With over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry, Jeff is our Director of Facilities. He has a variety of skills, including framing, drywall, and fixing just about anything. His primary area of expertise is in electrical. Jeff also serves as our Director of Security. He stays very busy keeping our church safe, comfortable and running smoothly.

Jake Peake
Creative Arts Assistant
Jake is a long time creative, born and raised in Boise. He is currently studying Computer Science and Visual Arts at BSU, alongside working as the other half of the creative team with Jesse. He has passions for music, design, cinematography, video/live production, and spreading the gospel with his unique skillset. He spends his time outside of work serving in ministry, working on cars, making music, spending time with family, and loving Idaho’s outdoors.

Larry McGhee
Chairman of the Elder
Larry has been an Elder since 1995. He and his wife, Linda, have been a part of the church since 1970. Larry retired after four decades of service in law enforcement. Larry has taken on duties at the Church serving Funeral Pastor, Wedding Pastor, and serves on the Hearts and Hands Ministry Team. Linda also retired after two decades as Secretary to the Academic Dean and receptionist at Boise Bible College. They have three grown children and a quiver full of grandchildren and great grandchildren. They’ve spent their retirement traveling the United States on their motorcycle.

Bill Buchanan
Bill Buchanan and his wife Libby came to Christ in their mid-thirties. They immediately jumped to groups and Bible studies, which is a habit that continues to this day. They came to Foothills Christian Church in January of 2020. Bill’s career focused on marketing, research, and communications. Libby became an officer of the court in Chicago, speaking on the topic of recovery from childhood trauma.

Mike Scott
Mike and Deanna rejoined Foothills after retiring from the military in 1990. Educated in business and public administration, Mike has served as an Elder since 1995, and as a small group leader, and in various other leadership capacities since that time. Mike and Deanna have 2 adult sons, and 4 grandchildren.
Bob Zach

Marie Hanson
Elder Board Treasurer