The New Normal – Week 3


  • Take 15-20 minutes to share about how God has been at work in your life, prayer concerns and pray for one another.

Going deeper:

  • In light of this week’s sermon, what is new information, challenged, or stood out to you?

Read aloud Genesis 40

  • Although God never spoke directly to Joseph as he did to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we read eight times in chapter 39 that ‘the Lord’ was with Joseph. Why might the narrator want to assure us that God was with Joseph in such a personal way?
  • Why did Joseph say the interpretation of dreams belongs to God? What does that reveal about Joseph’s perspective on life, gifting and faith?
  • From Prison to Palace, Joseph’s story is one of Humiliation to Exaltation. What does this teach us about the pattern of the Christian Life (See 1 Pet 5:6-7). How is this pattern demonstrated in the Life of Christ? In your own life?
  • Joseph served God and the people in the prison, but is “forgotten”. Joseph would not realize this until days and weeks had already gone by. What is the significance of this detail in the Joseph story and how does God use something like this to grow Joseph spiritually?
  • From your study of Joseph, in what ways does he point to Christ?


Take time to reflect on God’s goodness and grace to you. 

  • What practical lessons has the Lord taught you in times of hardship?
  • How has God been using the recent circumstances of our world in your life to form and shape your faith and your character?
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